Earn an income from our lettuce
Proud partner of Fedgroup Impact Farming

Fedgroup Impact Farming is a world first sustainable investment platform that allows you to invest in real farming assets and receive income from the harvest.

We have partnered with the experienced financial services provider, Fedgroup, to allow you to invest in our lettuce stacks simply and directly through the Fedgroup App. You can earn an income up to 12 times a year from the harvest of your lettuce.

Built with experience and commitment

Fedgroup partners with experienced farmers who employ innovative farming techniques to get the most out of your asset. Your asset is safeguarded by that experience, proven track records, and insurance, so you can sit back and watch your income grow.

Make money doing something big

Fedgroup carefully selects their Impact Farming ventures for both the financial impact on your wealth creation, and the positive economic, social and environmental impact on the world. This means they consider factors such as farms that use water wisely, how many jobs are created and ethical supply chains.

Benefits of investing in Impact Farming assets
Designed to modernise the way you earn money:
Stack your investment portfolio

The future of farming is here, and you can get involved in these exciting new techniques by investing in a state-of-the-art hydroponic lettuce stack.

Download the Fedgroup App today and expand your alternative portfolio.
